问题一:英语的使用量越来越多了用英语怎么说 英语的使用量越来越多了
The use of English is more and more.
问题二:英语大神,越来越多怎么翻译,不要用more and more,还有没有更正式点的用法 100分 越来越多的学生more and more students,An increasing number of students,A growing number of students
问题三:越来越多的污染英语怎么说 an increasing number of pollution
a growing number of pollution
问题四:越来越多和越来越少用英文怎么表达 越来越多more and mo触e
越来越少fewer and fewer/ less and less
问题五:“越来越。。。”用英语怎么说? 这个词组的结构是:比较级+and+比较级
比如说,越来越早:earlier and earlier
越来越多:more and more
越来越大:bigg定r and bigger
(the pollution is getting) more and more serious
more and more serious pollution
还是要用more and more
Nowadays, there are more and more environmental pollution.
Now, environment polution is getting worse.
With the development of the cities, The air of the city has been polluted more and more。。
将会有更多的污染英语是there will be more pollution。
将会有更多的污染英语是there will be more pollution。污染是指自然环境中混入了对人类或其他生物有害的物质,其数量或程度达到或超出环境承载力,从而改变环境正常状态的现象。具体包括:水污染、大气污染、噪声污染等。由于人为因素使环境的构成或状态发生变化,环境素质下降,从而扰乱和破坏了生态系统和人类的正常生产和生活条件的现象。
1、A commission to investigate a link between pollution and forest decline.
2、The conference ended with a joint pledge to limit pollution.
3、The forecasted traffic increase implied more roads and more air pollution.
4、They deduced that the fish died because of water pollution.
5、Pollution in the city had reached four times the acceptable level.
6、We must address ourselves to the problem of traffic pollution.
7、The levels of pollution in this area are unduly high.
8、Pollution is just one of the disadvantages of living in the town.
9、The EU has set strict limits on levels of pollution.
10、We need more laws to stop pollution.
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