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acoustical pollution 声(响)污染 aerial pollution 空气污染 agricultural pollution 农业污染 air(borne) pollution 大气污染 aquatic pollution 水污染 atmospheric pollution 大气污染 bacterial pollution 细菌污染 chronic pollution 慢性[长期]污染 coal *** oke pollution 煤烟污染 coastal pollution 沿[近]岸污染 bustion pollution 燃烧污染 munity pollution 居民区污染 cyanide pollution 氰化物污染 dust pollution 灰尘污染 environment pollution 环境污染 food pollution 食物[食品]污染 freshwater pollution 淡水污染 global air pollution 全球性大气污染 ground water pollution 地下水污染 heavy metal pollution 重金属污染 indoor air pollution 室内空气污染 industrial pollution 工业污染 information pollution 信息污染 large-scale pollution 大范围[大规模]污染 marine pollution 海洋污染 ocean pollution 海洋污染 municipal pollution 城市污染 noise pollution 噪声污染 nuclear pollution 核污染 odor pollution 恶臭污染 oil pollution of waters 水域油污 anic pollution 有机污染 radioactive pollution 放射性污染 regional pollution 地区性污染 reservoir pollution 水库污染 river pollution 河流污染 seawater pollution 海水污染 secondary pollution 次生[二次]污染 shipping pollution 航运污染 soil pollution 土壤污染 stream pollution 河流[水域]污染 visual pollution 视觉污染 surface water pollution 地面水污染 water quality pollution 水质污染 pollution in wide area 大面积污染; 广泛污染 pollution of beaches 海滩[海滨]污染 pollution of estuary 河口湾[港湾]污染

acoustical pollution 声响污染 aerial pollution 空气污染 agricultural pollution 农业污染 air pollution 大气污染 aquatic pollution 水污染 bacterial pollution 细菌污染 coal *** oke pollution 煤烟污染 munity pollution 居民区污染 dust pollution 灰尘污染 environment pollution 环境污染 food pollution 食物污染 freshwater pollution 淡水污染 global air pollution 全球性大气污染 indoor air pollution 室内空气污染 industrial pollution 工业污染 marine pollution 海洋污染 ocean pollution 海洋污染 municipal pollution 城市污染 noise pollution 噪声污 radioactive pollution 放射性污染 regional pollution 地区性污染 river pollution 河流污染 seawater pollution 海水污染 soil pollution 土壤污染 stream pollution 水质污染

参考: me

air pollutiion wate pollution noise pollution land pollution light pollution


分类: 教育/科学 科学技术





全球十大环境污染事件- -

1、马斯河谷烟雾事件 1930年


2、洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件 1943年

夏季,美 国西海岸的洛杉矶市。该市250万辆汽车每天燃烧掉1100吨汽油。汽油燃烧后产生的碳氢化合物等在太阳紫外光线照射下引起化学反应,形成浅蓝色烟雾,使该市大多市民患了眼红、头疼病。后来人们称这种污染为光化学烟雾。1955年和1970年洛杉矶又两度发生光化学烟雾事件,前者有400多人因五官中毒、呼吸衰竭而死,后者使全市四分之三的人患病。

3、多诺拉烟雾事件 1948年


4、伦敦烟雾事件 1952年

自1952年以来,伦敦发生过12次大的烟雾事件,祸首是燃煤排放的粉尘和二氧化硫。 烟雾逼迫所有飞机停飞,汽车白天开灯行驶,行人走路都困难,烟雾事件使呼吸疾病患者猛增。1952年12月那一次,5天内有4000多人死亡,两个月内又有8000多人死去。

5、水俣病事件 1953 1956年

日本熊本县水俣镇一家氮肥公司排放的废水中含有汞,这些废水排入海湾后经过某些生物的转化,形成甲基汞。这些汞在海水、底泥和鱼类中富集,又经过食物链使人中毒。 当时,最先发病的是爱吃鱼的猫。中毒后的猫发疯痉挛,纷纷跳海自杀。没有几年,水俣地区连猫的踪影都不见了。1956年,出现了与猫的症状相似的病人。因为开始病因不清,所以用当地地名命名。1991年,日本环境厅公布的中毒病人仍有2248人,其中1004人死亡。

6、骨痛病事件 1955 1972年


7、日本米糠油事件 1968年


8、印度博帕尔事件 1984年


9、切尔诺贝利核泄漏事件 1986年

4月26日,位于乌克兰基辅市郊的切尔诺贝利核电站,由于管理不善和操作失误,4号反应堆爆炸起火,致使大量放射性物质泄漏。 西欧各国及世界大部分地区都测到了核电站泄漏出的放射性物质。31人死亡,237人受到严重放射性伤害。而且在20年内,还将有3万人可能因此患上癌症。基辅市和基辅州的中小学生全被疏散到海滨,核电站周围的庄稼全被掩埋,少收2000万吨粮食,距电站7公里内的树木全部死亡,此后半个世纪内,10公里内不能耕作放牧,100公里内不能生产牛奶…… 这次核污染飘尘给邻国也带来严重灾难。这是世界上最严重的一次核污染。

10、剧毒物污染莱茵河事件 1986年




We all know that biological pollution is very harmful. There are many different types of pollution in this world.


For example: water pollution, air pollution, noise pollution and so on.


Water pollution can make people sick or even die. Dirty air can increase the risk of lung cancer. Noise pollution can cause insomnia. People's health will decline.


In my opinion, people should take measures to protect the environment.


Recently, not only government departments, but also individuals have participated in environmental protection. This is a good phenomenon. The river is clean and the air is fresh. People also realize the importance of environmental protection.


However, these are far from enough. The problem remains.


Not all the problems have been solved. Some factories still discharge sewage into rivers and toxic gases into the sky.


We should bear in mind that environmental protection requires everyone's efforts.



The environment is everything around us,for example,air,water,animals,plants,buildings and so on.They all affect us in many ways and closely related to our lives.People can't live without the environment. Everybody needs to breathe air,drink water and eat food every day.We burn coal to keep warm,and we use wood to make paper.As a result,we become the part of the environment. The environment has been getting wores and wores for many years.We have been upgrading our living standard, meanwhile the environment has been polluted.Somke form factory chimneys pollutesthe air.Machines and engines make noises that annoy us constantly.Animals are homeless because the forcests are decreasing every minute.Streets are crowded with people and vehicles.The environment painful for us to live in it now.So it's time to solve those problems. Fortunately,it isn't too late to correct our mistake.People are coming to realiza the importance of the environment.We have begun to try our best to improve it.Laws are being made dealing with air, water and noise pollution.The river be bright,the sky will be clear,the flowers will be beautiful,and the sunbeam will be dazzling and pretty.We believe that we wil be able to save our environment and live in a better world

环境围绕我们身边例如空气、水、动物、建筑等。它们从各个方面影响着我们的生活与我们的生活密切相关人们离开环境就无法生存。每人每天都要呼吸、喝水和吃东西。我们少煤取暖、用木材造纸。结果我们也成为环境的一部分。 很多年以来环境日益恶化。我们在提高生活水平的同时也在导致环境污染。从工厂烟囱里冒出来的烟污染空气机器和引擎经常发出恼人的噪音。因为森林每分钟都在减少使动物们无家可归。街道上挤满了人和车辆。环境在我们的生活中是最重要的但是现在它已经让人们讨厌。所以该是解决这些问题的时候了。 幸运的是现在改正错误还不晚。人们意识到环境的重要性。我们已经开始尽力改善环境。法律也开始涉及到空气、水和噪音等问题。将来河流会更清澈天空会更晴朗花朵会更鲜艳阳光会更灿烂、更温暖。保护环境会使我们生活在一个更加美好的世界中。

Topic: We are now living in a throw-away society. What causes the problem? Make some recommendations. Sample Answer: With the rapid development of society, mankind has entered a throw-away society. We can find metal tins, plastic bags and all kinds of packages thrown away everywhere. There are a growing number of people who begin to realize the seriousness of this issue. In this article, I will discuss the causes for the phenomenon and provide some possible solution to it. There are some causes for this issue. Firstly, with the scientific and technological development, new products debut on the market every day. Some people will throw away the old products like TV, computers, washing machines and some other electric appliances and purchase new ones. As a result, the thrown-away products will cause serious pollution to the environment. Secondly, people in the current society lack adequate awareness of environment protection. In order to provide customers with convenience, some producers and enterprises use convenient plastic packaging materials, which can be thrown away immediately after use. However, it arouses serious environment problem. Most of the packaging materials cannot be degraded, so that it can lead to “white pollution”. Finally, there are no relevant laws and regulation issued by the government to give people restrictions. And further, the facilities to deal with rubbish are inadequate. In order to solve the present serious situation, people think up various suggestions. In my opinion, the following are feasible and practical. Firstly, we have to raise people’s awareness of environment protection. We should encourage the producer and enterprises to use environment friendly materials, such as paper and other degradable materials. Meanwhile, we should educate people and help them form the habit of rubbish classification. For example, we can put plastic bags, tins into recyclable dustbin and other rubbish into non-recyclable ones. Finally, the government should pay more attention to establishment of relevant laws and regulations, which can be used to standardize people’s behavior.

参考译文: 随着社会的迅猛发展,人类进入丢弃型社会。我们可以看到易拉罐、塑料袋和各种包裹被随意地扔在四周。现在有越来越多的人意识到这个问题的严重性。在这篇文章中,我将讨论造成这一现象的原因,并提出一些解决问题的方案。 造成这个问题主要有以下几点原因。首先,随着科学技术的发展,新产品每天都在市场上亮相。一些人将会丢弃他们旧的产品,比如电视、电脑、洗衣机和其他的电子设备,并去购买新产品。结果就是,被丢弃的产品造成严重的环境污染。 其次,当前社会的人们缺少环保意识,为了向消费者提供便利,一些生产商和企业使用便利的塑料袋包装原料,用后即可扔掉。可是,这将引起严重的环境污染。大部分包装原料不能被降解,于是导致了“白色污染”。 最后,政府没有相关的法律规定去约束人们的行为。此外,简单的处理垃圾也是不适当的。 为了解决目前的严重问题,人们想出了各种各样的建议。我认为,以下建议是可实行且实用的。首先,我们必须增强人们的环保意识。我们应该鼓励生产商和企业使用环保的原料。同时,我们应该教给并且帮助人们形成垃圾分类的习惯。例如,我们可以把塑料袋扔进可循环利用垃圾以及把其他垃圾扔进不可循环利用垃圾里面去。最后,政府应该投入更多的精力去制定相关法律法规,使人们的行为更加符合标准。

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