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White Pollution

White pollution refers to plastic pollution. It is a new member of pollution family, but it grows fast. Unrecyclable plastic lunch boxes line along railroads. Plastic shopping bags dance in the wind. When leaders are busy mapping out blueprints for the future, one colour WHITE from white pollution becomes their headache.

Everything in the life circle deserves its place on earth. If we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic productsmwhat would happen Ⅱ One day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbishg Then the earthmour common home, would be a dustbin.

To prevent this nightmare from coming true, governments need to work closely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by actions. However, it is not enough only to ask what governments can do to get rid of white pollution, we must ask ourselves what we as individuals can do to colour the earth green instead of white.

范文分析 文中出现了大量比喻性用语,如a new member Of pollution family,mapping out blueprints(描绘蓝图),headache, an ocean of white rubbish(白色垃圾的海洋),dustbin(垃圾箱),common home,nightmare(恶梦),to colour the earth green instead of white等。这些生动贴切的比喻并未使人感到莫明其妙,而是增强了文章的表现力,体现了作者对唤醒大众关注这一难题的紧迫感。 最佳答案

White Pollution

White pollution refers to plastic pollution. It is a new member of pollution family, but it grows fast. Unrecyclable plastic lunch boxes line along railroads. Plastic shopping bags dance in the wind. When leaders are busy mapping out blueprints for the future, one colour WHITE from white pollution becomes their headache.

Everything in the life circle deserves its place on earth. If we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic productsmwhat would happen Ⅱ One day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbishg Then the earthmour common home, would be a dustbin.

To prevent this nightmare from coming true, governments need to work closely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by actions. However, it is not enough only to ask what governments can do to get rid of white pollution, we must ask ourselves what we as individuals can do to colour the earth green instead of white.

范文分析 文中出现了大量比喻性用语,如a new member Of pollution family,mapping out blueprints(描绘蓝图),headache, an ocean of white rubbish(白色垃圾的海洋),dustbin(垃圾箱),common home,nightmare(恶梦),to colour the earth green instead of white等。这些生动贴切的比喻并未使人感到莫明其妙,而是增强了文章的表现力,体现了作者对唤醒大众关注这一难题的紧迫感。


White Pollution

White pollution refers to plastic pollution. It is a new member of pollution family, but it grows fast. Unrecyclable plastic lunch boxes line along railroads. Plastic shopping bags dance in the wind. When leaders are busy mapping out blueprints for the future, one colour WHITE from white pollution becomes their headache.

Everything in the life circle deserves its place on earth. If we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic productsmwhat would happen Ⅱ One day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbishg Then the earthmour common home, would be a dustbin.

To prevent this nightmare from coming true, governments need to work closely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by actions. However, it is not enough only to ask what governments can do to get rid of white pollution, we must ask ourselves what we as individuals can do to colour the earth green instead of white.

范文分析 文中出现了大量比喻性用语,如a new member Of pollution family,mapping out blueprints(描绘蓝图),headache, an ocean of white rubbish(白色垃圾的海洋),dustbin(垃圾箱),common home,nightmare(恶梦),to colour the earth green instead of white等。这些生动贴切的比喻并未使人感到莫明其妙,而是增强了文章的表现力,体现了作者对唤醒大众关注这一难题的紧迫感。 最佳答案

White Pollution

White pollution refers to plastic pollution. It is a new member of pollution family, but it grows fast. Unrecyclable plastic lunch boxes line along railroads. Plastic shopping bags dance in the wind. When leaders are busy mapping out blueprints for the future, one colour WHITE from white pollution becomes their headache.

Everything in the life circle deserves its place on earth. If we continue using plastic lunch boxes, shopping bags and other unrecyclable plastic productsmwhat would happen Ⅱ One day they might bury us in an ocean of white rubbishg Then the earthmour common home, would be a dustbin.

To prevent this nightmare from coming true, governments need to work closely with each other and back up their verbal commitment by actions. However, it is not enough only to ask what governments can do to get rid of white pollution, we must ask ourselves what we as individuals can do to colour the earth green instead of white.

范文分析 文中出现了大量比喻性用语,如a new member Of pollution family,mapping out blueprints(描绘蓝图),headache, an ocean of white rubbish(白色垃圾的海洋),dustbin(垃圾箱),common home,nightmare(恶梦),to colour the earth green instead of white等。这些生动贴切的比喻并未使人感到莫明其妙,而是增强了文章的表现力,体现了作者对唤醒大众关注这一难题的紧迫感。






dystrophication [,dɪstrəfɪ'keɪʃən]

n. 河水污染;河湖污染;海水污染

也可以用River pollution 这个词组来表达,希望能帮到你


In 21 century, water pollution is a big problem.

we all know water is important to us. but still, some people don't care about it, and keep polluting the water. they thought this will not affect them, but in fact, it does.

there are several ways that tell us how water get polluted.

1. polluted water came to the river from the factory.

2. people throw garbage in to the water.

3. garbage things from the factory polluted the water under ground.

4. oil come out from the boat....

to solve these problems, we need to make a plan. first, we need to know what cause the water pollution, it is the things i worte on the top. second, we should do something at home like: to tell our parent not waste water.....

then, we should do something that can effect other people around us. like to make a poster that tell how important water is....

after that, we should do something globally, like writer a letter and send it to newspaper office to let more people care about it.

now, every one, please take an action, when there is only drop of water in the world, that will be our tears.



Many whales are in danger because of water pollution.



water pollution

water contamination



The probable cause of the disease was water pollution.


The obvious problem is water pollution.


However, they cause pollution, especially to the water.


He was very worried that the land ans water would be polluted.


Pollution Source Fingerprinting System of Accident Water Pollution Based on GIS in Chemical Area


Towns with geographic and demographic characteristics similar to those of Harborville but without polluted water do not have as high a rate of the disease as does Harborville.


ll fish and make water unsafe for drinking. In a word, polluted water is a big problem to everyone.

As you know, people depend on water to live on. They should be involved in finding a solution to this problem. I think, certain counter measures need to be taken as soon as possible. To begin with, the governments of all countries are supposed to formulate rules and regulations to deal with the pollution problem. In addition, factories in towns and cities must be prohibited from draining waste liquids into rivers before they are totally treated and purified. I feel if they violate relevant rules or laws, they should be fined heavily. Certainly, there are some other cures which are worth adopting.

As far as future prospect is concerned, I am sure that good results will be achieved in this respect. Rivers which used to be contaminated by industrial wastes will be cleaned and fish which could not live there a few years ago will be again. To conclude, it seems obvious that tomorrow will be better and brighter only if everyone does his part and tries hard to seek solutions for its control.

If any further comment on the issue is required, please don’t hesitate to write to me.

关于河流污染的原因英文和河流污染的原因有哪些的介绍到此就结束了,不知道你从中找到你需要的信息了吗 ?如果你还想了解更多这方面的信息,记得收藏关注本站。