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用英语表达各种污染 越多越好 速度

环境污染 environmental contamination; environmental pollution

核污染 nuclear pollution

大气污染 air pollution; atmospheric pollution

海洋污染 marine pollution

水污染 water pollution;water contamination

土壤污染 soil contamination;soil pollution

白色污染 white pollution;plastic pollution


acoustical pollution 声(响)污染 aerial pollution 空气污染 agricultural pollution 农业污染 air(borne) pollution 大气污染 aquatic pollution 水污染 atmospheric pollution 大气污染 bacterial pollution 细菌污染 chronic pollution 慢性[长期]污染 coal *** oke pollution 煤烟污染 coastal pollution 沿[近]岸污染 bustion pollution 燃烧污染 munity pollution 居民区污染 cyanide pollution 氰化物污染 dust pollution 灰尘污染 environment pollution 环境污染 food pollution 食物[食品]污染 freshwater pollution 淡水污染 global air pollution 全球性大气污染 ground water pollution 地下水污染 heavy metal pollution 重金属污染 indoor air pollution 室内空气污染 industrial pollution 工业污染 information pollution 信息污染 large-scale pollution 大范围[大规模]污染 marine pollution 海洋污染 ocean pollution 海洋污染 municipal pollution 城市污染 noise pollution 噪声污染 nuclear pollution 核污染 odor pollution 恶臭污染 oil pollution of waters 水域油污 anic pollution 有机污染 radioactive pollution 放射性污染 regional pollution 地区性污染 reservoir pollution 水库污染 river pollution 河流污染 seawater pollution 海水污染 secondary pollution 次生[二次]污染 shipping pollution 航运污染 soil pollution 土壤污染 stream pollution 河流[水域]污染 visual pollution 视觉污染 surface water pollution 地面水污染 water quality pollution 水质污染 pollution in wide area 大面积污染; 广泛污染 pollution of beaches 海滩[海滨]污染 pollution of estuary 河口湾[港湾]污染

acoustical pollution 声响污染 aerial pollution 空气污染 agricultural pollution 农业污染 air pollution 大气污染 aquatic pollution 水污染 bacterial pollution 细菌污染 coal *** oke pollution 煤烟污染 munity pollution 居民区污染 dust pollution 灰尘污染 environment pollution 环境污染 food pollution 食物污染 freshwater pollution 淡水污染 global air pollution 全球性大气污染 indoor air pollution 室内空气污染 industrial pollution 工业污染 marine pollution 海洋污染 ocean pollution 海洋污染 municipal pollution 城市污染 noise pollution 噪声污 radioactive pollution 放射性污染 regional pollution 地区性污染 river pollution 河流污染 seawater pollution 海水污染 soil pollution 土壤污染 stream pollution 水质污染

参考: me

air pollutiion wate pollution noise pollution land pollution light pollution




environmental pollution


environmental disruption


环境污染监测仪 environmental pollution monitor

北京环境污染严重 Beijing pollution serious ; beijing serious environmental pollution

减少环境污染 Reduction of environmental ; reduce the environment pollution

环境污染严重 Serious environmental pollution ; Environmental pollution serious

环境污染损害赔偿 Environmental pollution damage pensation

引起环境污染 Cause environmental pollution ; Environmental pollution arising from

水环境污染防治 The water environment pollution control ; water pollution prevention


1. an environmental black spot


2. There is already a high level of environmental contamination.


3. Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps.


4. The people talked openly about the government's new measures against environmental pollution.

人民公开地谈论著 *** 的治理环境污染的新措施.

5. The increase of pollutants in the environment follows an upward sloping curv e.


6. It's going to raise a lot of problems with respect to atmosphere pollution.


7. At that time , they were talking about the environmental pollution.


8. Environment pollution is acturally the waste of energy and resources.


9. And electric power panies are pushing the government to relax pollution - control requirements.

而电力部门正推动 *** 放松环境污染控制的标准.

10. Pesticide residues have constituted a significant source of contamination of environments.


11. In modern time, environmental pollution aggravated due to the development of industry.

在当今社会,由于工业的发展, 环境污染加重了.

12. Heavy - metal contamination By heavy metals or their pounds caused by environmental pollution.


13. Third, we strengthened the prevention and control of environmental pollution.


14. Do Wood Panels Bonded with PF Resins Have Environmental Pollution Problems?


15. Pollution is considered as a form of negative externality in economic growth.


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